The Significance of Bicuspid Teeth in Dental Health
Every individual has these teeth in their mouth, and they take full advantage of them in food-crushing activities. They have another name in dentistry terms, which is premolars, but they are commonly called bicuspid. Moreover, they are situated between our canines and molars in the back of our mouths.
In this blog, we will share the function of bicuspid teeth, their number, and much more. Stay connected.
However, their numbers vary from individual to individual. Most people start getting their premolars at 10 to 12 years, which is an early age.
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What is a Bicuspid Teeth?
A tooth named so is understood to have two cusps or points. Bi means two, and cusps stands for the crown of the teeth. The teeth grow alongside the canines and molars in the jaws.
In this type of tooth, there are always two points and two tips on the root. Different individuals have different numbers in their mouths. They function well in chewing food.
What is the function of bicuspids?
Bicuspids (premolars) in the mouth are great for crushing hard foods such as nuts, bread, and more.
They also work well in slicing the food. In addition, they share the role of canines and molars that make the best transition between slicing food.
If we say that these teeth fulfill the saying “jacks of all trades,” it would fit best. Everyone has these teeth in their mouth, which help break down food.
In some cases, the premolars are removed in overcrowded gums. Teeth removal is painless and often offers more space for teeth straightening.
They have no direct role in food crushing, so they leave no impact on limiting the essential functions of teeth.
Do bicuspids remain in the mouth permanently?
Yes. they are 100% permanent teeth in our mouth. The removal of these teeth has no such impact on the overall function, such as crushing food, speaking, or a dent in a smile. These are permanent teeth as they do not fall naturally like baby teeth.
According to a study, their eruption occurs typically during adolescence between the ages of 10 and 12 years 1.
Once they erupt, they get a permanent position and establish a permanent position; they remain in the oral cavity permanently for a lifetime.
What is the purpose of bicuspid teeth?
The presence of bicuspid teeth is the ultimate result of evolutionary adaptations over millions of years.
Although these teeth emerged as the necessary transitional component, they are now a significant part of oral cavities.
Furthermore, the studies reveal that the evolutionary development of these teeth in humans has dramatically benefited the diet and feeding habits change 2.
These teeth are in the oral cavity because they assist nearby canines and molars. These teeth mainly play a significant role in assisting the canines in chewing food.
Moreover, they make it easier to bite into various foods as they have a larger surface area for breaking food.
Their broad surface area makes them an effective mechanism in food chewing that also aids in digestion.
Similarities of Bicuspid (premolars) to Molars:
Bicuspid teeth are similar to the molars in several ways, such as in anatomy and structure.
Adults mostly have 12 total molars and eight premolars. In addition, the location of these teeth is quite near the molars.
Molars erupt earlier than premolars and offer excellent chewing and food-crushing functions. Premolars erupt in later stages and assist the molar for a similar function.
A bicuspid tooth root canal, like the root canal for molars and wisdom teeth, also happens.
It happens for such teeth, during which the dentist removes the decayed soft tissues inside the tooth and then refills the canal with thermoplastic material and a crown.
Final Verdict:
Bicuspid teeth typically start growing at a young age, such as 10 to 12 and function similarly to the canines.
In addition, they are permanent and assist in food chewing and digestion. If you face any difficulty due to these teeth, such as any issue in the bite-size or alignment of teeth, reach out to your dentist.
Discuss your issue and look for the available solutions.
What is the difference between a molar and a bicuspid tooth?
Molars are flat teeth on the rare side of the mouth. Molars and premolars have elevations or points on their location.
So, most molars have two bicuspid cusps, which means dual-pointed teeth near the canines.
Why are bicuspids removed?
Primarily, their removal doesn’t cause any harm to other functions of jaws and teeth, such as biting, chewing, and eating.
But, mostly, dentists remove them to create extra space or straighten the teeth. Extra spacing is needed in the Invisalign of the teeth.