Space Maintainers in Arizona
Space Maintainers
Palm Valley Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics offers various services for the whole family, including space maintainers. If you or your child has lost a tooth unexpectedly or before the permanent teeth are filling in, our dental staff may recommend a space maintainer to help you avoid future dental challenges.
Space maintainers are metal or plastic appliances that custom-fit to your or your child’s mouth.
These small, inconspicuous dental tooth spacers prevent future challenges and are easy to adjust to after a few days, making them convenient for saving money and keeping your smile perfect!
Why Might I Need Space Maintainers?
You might need fixed space maintainers or other dental spacers for several reasons. Many kids might lose a baby tooth too early, either by accident or simply because of decay.
To ensure that the space for the new tooth to grow remains healthy and other teeth do not shift irregularly, our dental team at Palm Valley Dentistry might recommend a unilateral space maintainer, distal shoe space maintainer, or other various space maintainers.
As adults, you may also need space maintainers. When you lose a tooth by accident or due to decay, these empty spaces can become troublesome for food traps, shifting teeth, and more.
In some cases, many adult patients have had to receive a crown loop space maintainer or a lingual space maintainer to keep their teeth healthy.
For children and adults, space maintainers help avoid significant, often expensive orthodontics treatment options that would otherwise be necessary if no space maintainers were used.
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Types of Space Maintainers
Several types of space maintainers depend on your specific situation or your child’s specific needs before their permanent teeth grow in.
Here are some of the significant kinds of space maintainers that we offer at PVPD:
Fixed Bilateral Space Maintainers:
Space maintainers such as trans palatal arches, lingual holding arch space maintainers or lingual arch space maintainers are used to help patients who have lost teeth on both sides of the mouth.
These appliances maintain space after teeth in the upper jaw, permanent molars, or upper dental arch have been altered or lost.
Fixed Unilateral Space Maintainers:
These space maintainers, fixed unilateral appliances typically, are used to maintain space on only one side of the mouth.
These are usually applied with a band, loop maintainer, and distal shoe.
Glued into place, these are kept until the tooth grows in or until further dental work can be completed.
The space maintainers typically seen here include distal shoe space maintainers, crown and loop space maintainers, or crown band and loop space maintainers.
How to Take Care of Your Space Maintainers
Space maintainers are vital to your mouth’s health. Whether you have a lingual space maintainer, unilateral space maintainer, or a distal shoe appliance, there are some general rules to follow to keep your mouth clean and to take proper care of your space maintainers:
Why You Should Use Space Maintainers
Dental care is necessary for your and your child’s health! When you unexpectedly lose a tooth, you have to ensure that your mouth remains healthy and undisturbed.
Space maintainers, dental teams have found, are the perfect option to help maintain your mouth’s current organization.
At the same time, your child waits for their permanent teeth to come in while you await a permanent solution to your missing tooth.
When you struggle with missing teeth but want to save money on your future orthodontics bills, choose dental spacers at Palm Valley Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics.
Why Choose Palm Valley Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
As a truly family dentistry and orthodontics office, Palm Valley Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics remains a reputable, competitive leader in the local area.
Our dentistry and orthodontics services are available for children and adults, making us the convenient, easy option for many families looking to find an office that serves their entire family.
Our commitment to high-quality services also ensures that our patients have access to state-of-the-art treatment options, including space maintainers.
Dental spacers are the perfect solution to eliminate orthodontics costs later. In addition, our staff is well-versed, aiming to be your knowledgeable guides as you maintain optimal dental health.
Make your next visit to Palm Valley Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics a family one. Contact us today to learn more, or to book your dental spacers consultation appointment. We look forward to serving your entire family at Palm Valley Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics!