Cavities in Wisdom Teeth: Causes, Signs, and Treatment

What is Wisdom Tooth Cavities and Your Oral Health?

Wisdom teeth are painful and can be a troubling experience for anyone! But the problem isn’t limited to its eruption as the real challenges begin afterward.

From swollen jaw and unbearable pain to wisdom tooth cavities and damage to near teeth are all the problems associated with it. Wisdom tooth cavities are a potential problem among people.

A wisdom tooth is more prone to developing cavities than other teeth. The reason is simple. Its presence at the back of our mouth makes it relatively inaccessible during brushing or flossing. This results in bacteria buildup, leading to cavities.

Read: Why People Take Pineapple Juice For Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Visual representation of tooth decay in a 3D rendering

Let’s learn more about wisdom tooth cavities, causes, and treatment.

Book your appointment with the best dentists at Palm Valley Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics for all your dental concerns.

Wisdom Tooth Cavity – A Common Dental disorder

Oral cavities are more common than we think. According to the Centers for Disease Control report, 90% of adults who are 20 years or above have had at least one cavity.

Cavities can be bothersome, irrespective of the tooth they are affecting. The wisdom tooth is no exception to this.

Bacteria present in your mouth may attack your wisdom teeth. The acid production by these bacteria then damages teeth enamel (the outer protective covering of teeth.

The damage ultimately results in the formation of a small hole in the wisdom tooth. This hole is referred to as a wisdom teeth cavity.

The damage due to the wisdom tooth cavity goes beyond the tooth surface. Untreated cavities result in tooth decay and increase your risk of infections affecting other body parts.

Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth Cavity

Knowing about the symptoms of wisdom tooth cavities is essential. It helps in early identification of problems and finding a suitable treatment option.

However, the symptoms aren’t noticeable unless the infection progresses to an advanced stage. That’s why regular dental check-ups are essential.

Medically Accurate 3D Illustration of Mesial Impaction in Wisdom Teeth

Some common symptoms of wisdom tooth cavities are:

  • Pain in the area
  • Teeth sensitivity
  • Discomfort while chewing
  • Swelling or redness of the gum tissue
  • Headaches
  • Earaches
  • Jaw pain

The symptoms of cavities aren’t only limited to just one tooth but can also affect other surrounding areas, resulting in infections.

Causes Behind Wisdom Teeth Cavity

You might be wondering about the root cause of wisdom teeth cavities. Well, the culprit is the bacterial accumulation in the mouth.
A wisdom tooth is more prone to getting cavities.

The reason is its presence at the back of your mouth, which makes it inaccessible during brushing and flossing.

This poor oral hygiene increases the chances of wisdom teeth cavities. Another reason behind the infection is the irregular positioning of wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth usually trap food particles between the gum and the half-erupted wisdom teeth. Food particle accumulation makes the site more prone to bacterial growth and increases the chances of cavity attack.

The cavities are contagious among children, so proper care is essential.

Risk Factors for Wisdom Teeth Cavities

Certain factors increase one’s risk of getting wisdom teeth cavities. These factors include:

  • Not having a proper oral hygiene routine results in bacterial accumulation.
  • If you eat a lot of sugary foods and drinks, you have a higher chance of developing cavities.
  • If you don’t clean your teeth after eating or drinking, your teeth will develop cavities.
  • A deficiency of fluoride also increases one’s risk of developing tooth cavities.
  • Feeding the baby milk, juices, or other sugary liquids just before bedtime.
  • Mouth dryness is another contributing risk factor for teeth cavities.
  • Heartburn increases the exposure of teeth to stomach acid, increasing your chances of enamel loss.

Complications of Wisdom Teeth Infection

When your wisdom tooth starts decaying because of the infection, it can lead to various oral health complications. The spread of cavities can go deeper in your mouth, leading to dental abscesses and pulpitis.

A dental abscess is a pus pocket that forms in the gum or bone space and anchors the teeth. Pulpitis is the inflammation of the tooth pulp, the inner tooth tissue with a soft texture.

If wisdom teeth cavity isn’t treated in time, the infection can further spread to the adjacent teeth. This can be damaging as it may result in infection of the gums, recession, swelling, and bone loss in other areas.

The infection can even go to the bloodstream and affect other organs. Thus, it’s essential to prevent cavities and ensure good oral health.

Treatment Options for Wisdom Tooth Cavities

Several treatment options exist once you witness the signs of wisdom tooth cavities and visit a dentist.

Treatment choice depends on the infection’s severity and the wisdom teeth’ placement.

People also use several home remedies for the treatment of cavities. But the following are some proven treatment options you need to know about:

1- Dental Filling

If the wisdom tooth cavity is in its initial phases and the tooth pulp is safe, then dental filling can be a good treatment option.

In this procedure, several dental filling materials fill the hole or cavity. The filling material can be amalgam, ceramic, porcelain, etc.

2- Root Canal

A root canal can be a good treatment option for cavities that have damaged the inner teeth pulp. In root canal procedures, the dentist removes the infectious pulp material, cleans the site, and fills it with artificial material.

3- Dental Crowns

Sometimes, your dentist may ask you to use a dental crown and cover the damaged tooth surface. The crown is a covering or shield often placed over the damaged tooth structure.

4- Wisdom Tooth Extraction

If the damage due to wisdom tooth cavity is quite extensive, then wisdom tooth extraction is the treatment option here. Tooth extraction involves the removal of teeth from its place.

The extraction of wisdom teeth is more complicated than that of other tooth structures due to placement issues.

Prevent Wisdom Tooth Cavities and Enjoy Better Oral Health

Wisdom tooth cavities are a common oral health problem due to the buildup of bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria produce acids that are damaging to teeth surfaces.

There are several causes and risk factors for this.

If you have wisdom tooth cavities, your doctor may ask for a root canal, crown, or extraction.

Follow the below tips to avoid these cavities:

  • Avoid eating sugary foods.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste and take supplements.
  • Regularly rinse your mouth after eating.
  • Practice good oral hygiene practices.

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