10 Differences Between Good and Bad Teeth: Causes and Impact
From tooth appearance to its functionality, bad teeth can strongly impact our oral health and overall well-being!
The meaning of dental problems varies for everyone, ranging from tooth sensitivity and decay to gum disease and missing teeth. Generally, it refers to teeth in poor condition due to inadequate oral care.
But what causes these dental issues in kids or adults? Initially, the trouble begins with minor symptoms, which are often ignored.
For instance, a toothache, occasional gum bleeds, and sensitivity are some of the less notable symptoms, especially in the beginning.
However, to avoid severe problems, be mindful of these warning signs and visit your dentist frequently.
If your child exhibits any signs of oral health problems, book your appointment with Palm Valley Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics.
What is Bad Teeth and Their Impact on Overall Health
“Bad teeth” usually refer to poor oral health conditions, which results in compromised appearance and functionality. The effects are not only limited to your oral health but your overall well-being.
Some of the common oral health problems that result in poor oral health are:
Several research studies have established a connection between poor oral health and the onset of cardiovascular problems. Besides cardiovascular diseases, poor oral health can also be related to inflammation, infection causation, and stroke.
Bad teeth also affect the overall respiratory health, resulting in respiratory health troubles such as pneumonia.
Diabetics can also have a tough time controlling their blood sugar levels if their oral health is not good.
Other than this, oral health issues in pregnancy are one of the reasons behind premature birth and low birth weight in infants, which are common pregnancy complications.
Read: 11 Effective Remedies To Cure Gum Disease Without A Dentist
10 Common Oral Health Problems
Some of the common oral health problems that result in poor oral health are:
1- Toothache
Toothache or tooth pain is a common oral health concern affecting one or more teeth. The pain can be one of the warning signs of many oral health problems such as cavities, gum infections, etc.
You can use various home remedies to overcome the toothache. However, a frequent toothache needs to be addressed.
2- Teeth Sensitivity
Teeth sensitivity refers to a sharp pain that is felt as soon as your teeth are exposed to hot and cold temperatures or sweet or sour foods. The sensation of pain arises because teeth are exposed to these stimuli.
Teeth sensitivity is a common oral problem resulting from damage to the outer protective tooth layer.
3- Stained Teeth
Sometimes, your teeth can change color and appear yellow, gray, or brown. These teeth color changes are indicative of an oral health problem.
Sometimes, lifestyle choices or suffering from oral diseases such as enamel hypoplasia can change your teeth color. This affects what your teeth look like and can increase the risk of damage.
4- Cracked Tooth
A cracked tooth happens when a crack appears on the tooth surface. This tooth cracking is usually a result of chewing on hard foods or can be caused by an injury. In case of a cracked tooth, your dentist recommends wearing a crown.
5- Impacted tooth
Impacted teeth are also considered bad teeth. These are the teeth that fail to emerge from the gum properly.
Impacted teeth usually appear as a result of overcrowding, which leaves behind no space for emerging teeth. This phenomenon is more common in wisdom teeth. Not treated in time can lead to other potential problems, such as infections.
6- Chipped Tooth
Chipped teeth occur due to damage to the outer enamel of your teeth. The damage only affects the outer protective layer or may extend to the dentine part. This is less dangerous than a root fracture; the problem is superficial damage.
7- Teeth Spaces
Teeth spacing is the gap or spacing between two adjacent teeth. Though it can affect any part of your oral cavity, it is most common in the front two teeth.
From genetics to habits, many factors can cause this problem. The spaces in your teeth affect your smile and let food particles stick between these gaps.
8- Hyperdontia
Another common oral health problem is Hyperdontia, which is the increased number of teeth in your mouth. People who suffer from this condition may have one or more than one extra tooth, which can result in tooth overcrowding.
Extra teeth in your mouth make the cleaning difficult and can increase the risk of impacted teeth in the future.
9- Cavities
Damage to the outer surface of teeth that possibly leaves a hole behind is known as oral cavity. Oral cavities are one of the most common dental issues people suffer from.
Structurally damaged tooth surfaces cause these changes. The problem usually occurs because of tooth decay and can affect children, teens, and adults.
10- Gum Disease
Gum disease is any infection or inflammation that affects the gum tissue in your mouth. This affects the tissue that surrounds and protects your teeth.
Teeth suffering from gum disease may be painful and swollen and can bleed occasionally. The infection can also affect the tooth bone if left untreated.
Good Teeth vs Bad Teeth – 10 Key Differences
Following are some of the key differences between healthy and diseased teeth.
1- Coloration
Normal or healthy teeth have a tooth color varying between white and off-white without any patches of differently colored.
In contrast, unhealthy teeth often appear yellow or brownish and may have visible cavities.
2- Integrity
Good dental health is completely normal, without any visible cracks or chips. In contrast, diseased teeth may appear broken, chipped, cracked, or even impacted when viewed outside.
3- Smell
Healthy teeth usually don’t have a foul smell. Teeth affected by oral diseases have a foul odor that can strike anywhere and make it an uncomfortable experience.
4- Pain
When your dental health is good, you don’t have any pain or discomfort. However, those with dental issues often complain of severe toothaches.
5- Sensitivity
Healthy dental conditions typically involve minimal sensitivity to temperature changes or sweetness. However, oral health issues have no tolerance for hot and cold temperatures or sweets.
6- Alignment
Normal and healthy dental alignment features straight alignment without gaps. In contrast, bad teeth often have alignment issues such as crowding, snaggletooth, overbite, and underbite.
Read: What Is Snaggletooth, Its Causes, Challenges, And Treatment Options
7- Chewing Difficulty
Generally, it’s not difficult to chew with your aligned and healthy teeth. However, people with dental issues usually have difficulty chewing because of an unhealthy bite.
8- Speaking
Good teeth cause no hindrance while speaking. Some oral health troubles can affect a person’s speaking ability, resulting in unclear or slurred speech.
9- Gum Health
Normal gums appear to be pinkish with no swelling and discharge. However, the diseased gums have swelling and appear reddish in color. These unhealthy gums often bleed while you brush or try to chew.
10- Brushing/ Flossing
Healthy teeth often have no problem while you try to brush or floss them. In contrast, diseased teeth may bleed during these activities.
Causes of Bad Dental Issues
Here is all you need to know about what causes bad teeth:
Poor Oral Hygiene
Taking good care of your oral hygiene is crucial to prevent dental issues. It results in bacterial buildup on the teeth, causing damage over time.
Read: How Much Toothpaste Should You Use? 5 Brushing Tips
Sometimes, genetic factors contribute to oral issues like hypodontia, misalignment, and crookedness.
Eating Habits
Your eating habits and food choices can also impact your oral health. Consuming sugary items such as sugary beverages, especially at night, can affect your teeth.
Smoking is an important risk factor for many oral health problems.
Nutritional Deficiencies
When your diet lacks certain nutrients, it can affect your oral health by making your teeth more prone to infections and gum diseases.
When you don’t intake enough water, it increases your risk of developing gum problems and other oral health issues.
Take Control of Your Oral Health Now and Prevent Bad Teeth
Knowing about the implications of bad teeth and its important causes, you must know how to take good care of your oral health.
It keeps your teeth in good condition and reduces your chances of developing other health complications.
If you have just started exhibiting the signs of poor oral health, you may reverse it because your lifestyle habits and practices strongly impact it.
Also, make sure to develop a habit of visiting your dentist so you can take measures to minimize your risk of developing bad teeth.